08 8410 9294

Injury Law Advice

Ruby Princess Injury Claims

Ruby Princess Coronavirus Personal Injury Claims If you or a family member has been affected by COVID-19 as a passenger on board the Ruby Princess, or through having come into contact with a passenger, you may have a claim to compensation. This could be for personal...

Can I Make A Personal Injury Claim?

How do I know if I should bring a personal injury claim? In order to bring a personal injury claim there needs to be a person or entity that is in some way responsible for your injuries. This is because without that person or entity there is no one to seek...
Can I Claim For Medical Negligence?

Can I Claim For Medical Negligence?

Am I entitled to make a medical negligence claim? If you have been injured as a result of incorrect medical advice or treatment, or due to negligent treatment from your medical provider, then you may be able to claim compensation for any losses you have incurred as a...

Personal Injury Compensation Entitlement

I have injured myself in a public place, am I entitled to compensation? If you have incurred an injury in a public place you may be entitled to compensation, however this will depend on the circumstances of your slip, trip or fall (the accident). Personal Injury &...