An Advance Care Directive (ACD) includes an Enduring Power of Guardianship, a Medical Power of Attorney and an Anticipatory Direction, all in the one document. Don’t worry if you don’t know what any of those are either, that’s what we’re here for.
Basically an ACD allows you to appoint another person to make decisions on your behalf, if you are unable to make those decisions yourself, such as your future health care, personal affairs and accommodation.
You can make very specific directions about medical intervention or any other situation you wish to avoid in the future, health related or otherwise, which your appointed decision maker must honour. This means that your wishes and values are considered at all times.
You can make any changes you want to the ACD after it’s been made, so long as you’re considered medically fit to do so.
Although it’s sometimes hard to think about these things, we suggest it is better to be prepared and it’s best to do that while you are fit and healthy enough to make those important decisions. You can take control and make those hard decisions now, so that your loved ones don’t need to in the future.
If you want any more information about ACDs or would like to make an appointment to discuss having one drafted, please contact our office on (08) 8410 9494, or email our family law Associate Lawyer Ellie Douglas, on
Adelaide Legal, Expect More.